RCMI & TAURUS: different solutions for different needs

The RCMI are the classic Double Pinch Planetary design Profile Bending Machines. Thanks to their design, these are the most popular and cost effective machines, suitable also for bending pipes.

The TAURUS machines are the Profile Bending Machines suitable for heavy duty beam bending. Thanks to their Variable Geometry design they guarantee the maximum capacities but also the minimum material waste. Due to the possibility to change the rolls distance it is the best machine to cover the widest range possible of beams.

Automation in Profile Bending: CNC with Radius Control

The CNC of the Faccin Profile Bending Machines can set up a complete automatic bending cycle of any profile. It is just necessary to tell the CNC: material, kind of profile, final radius and number of steps to reach it and the machine can bend it automatically. Bending heavy profiles is not an easy activity and to avoid any mistake, the CNC can be equipped with a Radius Measurement System mechanical or Laser that allows the continous control of the bending radius.

Production Time Saving: fast rolls configuration

One of the target of the Bending Companies is to be as flexible as possible in fact during the day it might be necessary to roll different sections. Knowing this, it is very important to have a machine that takes the minimum time possible to change the rolls configuration. The Faccin machines, equipped with TIMS Technology have proven that is possible to save 50% of the time for the machine tooling.