Silo Production System by Faccin: an optimized solution for Silos Manufacturers

Faccin is worldwide known for the manufacture of high-quality heavy-duty plate rolls and powerful section rolls but through years of experience in different fields and the synergies created, it has also been able to specialize in several other customized solutions. One of those is the Silos Production System based on Faccin’s Vertical Plate Rolls that the company has deeply developed for big tanks and silos manufacturers.

The vertical rolling is particularly advised when thin plates are rolled at medium and big diameters and tanks or silos are built vertically.

Faccin: green machine for the production of silos - vertical plateFaccin: green machine for the production of silos - vertical plate half curvedFaccin: green machine for the production of silos - vertical full plate

CLICK HERE to see it in action!


Another difference from the regular horizontal rolling is that, due to high volumes, for silos manufacturers is convenient to roll from coils instead of plates.

Due to this, Faccin’s R&D department has developed a custom-made integrated solution that consists in:

• Coil turning machine (horizontal to vertical).
• Decoiler.
• Paper recovery system.
• Plastic film applier for protecting the surface (for stainless steel).
• Vertical plate roll with special feeding system.

In cooperation with an Italian company specialized in welding machines, Faccin also supplies a complete system with integrated plate cutting after bending, seam welding and grinding.



A Silo Production System will be completed in our factory in April. Contact us to know more about how Faccin helps Silo and Tanks manufacturers to improve their production processes by developing customized solutions.